日経イベント・プロ A event organizing company of Nikkei Group

Privacy Policy

As the Nikkei Group’s event company at Nikkei Events Pro Co., Ltd., we are always acutely aware of our social responsibility and recognize that the protection of the personal information that we handle in our work, relating to events and our recruitment activities etc., is our important social mission. Our officers and employees strive to protect the rights of individuals and comply with laws, ordinances, and norms regarding personal information. We have established a personal information protection management system, in conformance with JISQ15001:2017, in order to comply with the following basic policy and will continue to work together as a company to continuously improve this system while always being attuned to changes in social demands and the business environment. At the same time, we strive to maintain and improve the level of protection of specific personal information by implementing a personal information protection management system (hereinafter referred to as “PMS”) PDCA cycle. This comprises formulating measures for personal information identification/risk analysis and creating written rules governing the implementation of these measures (Planning), implementing these measures after providing the necessary education to employees (Doing), inspecting whether the measures are being properly implemented (Checking), and reviewing measures based on the outcomes of inspection (Acting), according to the Guidelines for the Implementation of Personal Information Protection Management Systems. Part two (hereinafter referred to as the “JIPDEC Guidelines”) based on JISQ15001:2017:

a)The creation of rules for the appropriate acquisition / use / provision of personal information and compliance therewith

Acquiring, using, and providing an individual's personal information against their will constitutes an infringement upon that individual's human rights and profits, and can be rightly expected to cause serious damage to our reliability and credibility. As a highly-public newspaper-affiliated events company, we will clarify to the individual the purpose of the use of any personal information at the time of acquisition and obtain their consent for the same and will not use the personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. We have formulated and documented rules for the appropriate acquisition, use, and provision of personal information as our “Nikkei Events Pro Personal Information Protection Management System” and provide regular education and training to our officers and employees during our information provision activities, as a means to make these rules well known throughout the company.

b)Measures to prevent / correct risks such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, tampering and leakage

We practice entry/exit management, ID/password management, and storage/disposal management, and have established a firewall, as measures against the problems of unauthorized access to personal information as well as the loss, destruction, tampering, and leakage of this personal information. We have formulated “Detailed Regulations on Personal Information Safety Management Measures” which set forth details concerning personal information management and precautionary measures as part of the “Nikkei Events Pro Personal Information Protection Management System” and our officers and employees engage in their work in compliance with the aforementioned system and measures. We keep accurate and up-to-date personal information and continuously improve and review our information security in an effort to prevent unauthorized access to personal information and the leakage, loss and damage to this information.

c)Compliance with laws and other norms

All of our officers and employees, who are engaged in work involving the handling of personal information, act in compliance with strict management systems, based on the “Personal information protection management systems - Requirements (JISQ15001:2017),” such as our “Regulations on the Protection of Personal Information” as well as laws, such as the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information,” which are guidelines enacted by the national government and norms relating to personal information.

d)Continuous improvement of our management system

Although we have already established the “Nikkei Events Pro Personal Information Protection Management System” as being the regulation that serves as the foundation for our protection of personal information, we will endeavor to keep abreast of changes to laws and industry guidelines, changes in social demands, the latest technical trends and changes in the corporate environment etc., and continuously improve our personal information protection management system in line with regular audit reports and others.

e)Disclosure of our personal information protection policy

Externally, we disclose our Personal Information Protection Basic Policy and our latest personal information protection measures through related content that can be viewed on our website (https://www.nikkeieventspro.co.jp). We disclose and provide information internally, relating to the protection of personal information, through content posted on our intranet and materials distributed by our Personal Information Protection Officer.

f)Establishment of a personal information inquiries and consultation service

We have established the following service to handle complaints and inquiries concerning the protection of personal information. The service will promptly deal with complaints, inquiries and requests for the disclosure/correction/deletion of personal information.

Inquiries and Consultation Service

Nikkei Events Pro Co., Ltd. Personal Information Protection Officer
JR Kanda Manseibashi Bldg., 1-25, Kanda-sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
Phone: +81-3-6812-8753 (Business hours: Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.)
FAX: +81-3-6812- 8696

We are acquiring the “Privacy Mark.”
We will acquire the “Privacy Mark” granted to companies that handle personal information appropriately from the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC) in May, 2019.

1. Date of acquisition: May 24, 2021
2. Mark number: #10862699 (03) JIS Q 15001:2017 compliant
3. Accrediting body: Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)

  1. About Our Handling of Personal Information
  2. Procedures for Requesting Disclosure, etc. of Personal Data